I've been asked quite a bit here lately where we're at in the whole adoption process. I had the opportunity to catch up with a good friend of mine lately that used to attend our church. She asked how things were going, & I proceeded to tell her that there isn't much to update her on at the moment. After saying that, I figured I should go ahead & make a post that tells everybody just that so that nobody is left wondering.
The last situation that we've had come to us were the 2 kids from Arizona that ended up going to another family. Since that time, we haven't had any other leads. The nice thing about this is that it's given Jonathan & I some time to really slow things down, take our time with getting the home study & financial aid paperwork done, enjoy our time with Talen as an only child, & talk with the Lord about what all He has in store for our family. I've seen God really working in my heart in these times of waiting. Like I've said in so many of my post before, there's something to be learned from EVERYTHING, including pain, an unclear future, & constant waiting.