Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Roller Coaster

I have SOOO many WONDERFUL friends.  I know this because I have so many people asking me what's going on in our adoption search.  Most of the time, I'm very excited to have the opportunity to share what God is doing in our lives thru the process itself, & to share our excitement of the someday child(ren) that will join our family.  There are also days that I just want to forget about the fact that we're in a very helpless situation.  Today is a day of excitement...not just of the opportunity to tell you about our future hopes, but to update you on the current developments of the Arizona children situation.

When asked by a friend the other day about where we were at with the Arizona kids, I told her that I haven't given up hope, but I've allowed my heart to become pretty much numb so that I can deal with the idea that this situation may not every come to pass.  Today is the reason I haven't given up hope on these kids yet.  I just got of the phone with the Glendale Nazarene 'Celebrate Recovery' coordinator that clued us in on this situation in the first place.  She had just gotten off the phone with a person that was asking her to consider adopting the 2 children.  She said she was not interested, but that she knew of a family that WAS interested.  This triggered her to go ahead & make a few phone calls on our behalf since she may have a bit more info than we do.  One fact has been confirmed: both the biological mother & father both have had their rights severed due to the length of each of their jail sentences.  According to the AZ CPS (child protective services) rep I spoke with a few weeks ago, the next person(s) for consideration for adoption is the foster families that are currently keeping each of the children, then we are next in line for consideration based on the fact that we called & showed a true interest.  This is where I don't have facts yet, but according to the church coordinator, it seems neither of the foster families are wanting to adopt the children.  She's calling CPS today to see what she can find out about each of the kid's case, then let me know whatever she finds out.

My hope & anxiousness are both back up at sky high levels.  This is both super good, but can be bad if the situation goes south again.  It's like being on the world's largest, most intense roller coaster.  For today, I'm thankful that I'm on the up side of the ride rather than the down side of the valley.


  1. Will continue praying!! What exciting news!

  2. omg this is amazing! just when you think God has you in the waiting phase, He shows you a glimmer of light! I am so happy and excited for you guys right now! I will continue to pray that all of this works out for His glory!
