Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Back to Square One

We're back to 'square 1' you might say.  We received an e-mail yesterday from the lady that was helping orchestrate the adoption between us & the birth mother letting us know that, at this time, there is no baby for us to adopt.  Where do we go from here?  I'd like to avoid an adoption agency if possible to  keep down a good portion of the cost of an adoption.  The friend that I've been sharing with got both of her boys thru private, open adoptions, meaning they were picked by & communicated directly with the birth mother rather than thru an adoption agency.  Just to set up an account with an agency is appx $5,000, & that doesn't include the actual costs of the adoption!  I have great hope than another opportunity will come our way.  In the meantime, we'll continue plodding along with the process so that when the opportunity comes, we'll be ready.

We believe that God will be the One that brings the birth mother/family & our family together to make this adoption miracle happen, but we also know that God uses people like you & me to do His will. So if you, or somebody you know, knows of a situation in which a girl/family is looking for a loving, small-town, Christian, family to adopt their unborn child, please, please, please pass our info along to them.  I am in the finishing stages of our 'Get to Know Our Family' book, the letter from us to the birth mother/family, & the letter from our family to our future child.  I'd be happy to send copies of all 3 of these documents to you if you have somebody that would like to consider us to be their adoptive family.

I can feel it.  God's already got amazing things in the works for us!  Lord, just help us (...mainly me) to be patient as we wait for all the pieces to come together.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

You Know You're in the Middle of God's Will When...

... one of your closest girlfriends pulls you aside to tell you she's pregnant with yet another child & you are whole-heartedly, 100% excited for her!  This is not a feeling I've felt in a LONG, LONG time.  Don't get me wrong; I've been excited for all of my friends & family that have told me they were expecting.  But if any of you readers have felt that feeling of reluctant excitement for that lucky person that just happens to not be'll know what I'm talking about when I tell you I'd put on my happy face while my friend is telling me their news, then go find a quiet, secluded area to go cry my eyes out.  But today, the scene was different.  My friend told me her news, & I was able to walk away from the conversation HAPPY!  What a twist!  Unless you've been there, I can't really explain any better the relief I'm feeling right now.

No updated info to fill you in on the hopeful adoption yet.  From the last conversation I had with the friend of the pregnant woman, the 2 ladies were scheduled to see each other this coming weekend (May 11-12).  She said she'd talk with her about us then fill us in on all of the details regarding the pregnancy & the birth mother's wishes for the process.  I'll fill you in as soon as I hear anything.  Keep the prayers flowing.  We're definitely feeling them all. :)

I got to catch up with my friend from church that is in the process of waiting to be matched with their 3rd adopted child.  She & her husband's 2 boys were both gifted to them thru open adoptions.  She has helped me SO MUCH to accept & embrace the miracle of open adoption.  I love the long conversations & all the little 'catch-ups' as well.  Each time I talk to her, it only reinforces to me what a blessing & God-send it is to have an experienced 'adoption buddy' to walk with you thru the process.  Thank you, thank you, thank you, Gina, for being the open ear, heart & mouth that I need at such a time as this. :)